(330) 614-7002 Consultation

Breast Augmentation
in Akron and Cleveland, OH

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What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is the top surgical procedure among cosmetic surgeries worldwide. In 2019, almost 1.8 million people underwent the procedure. It also has the highest patient satisfaction rating of nearly all cosmetic surgeries.

Countless women have relied on undergoing Breast Augmenation to improve their appearance and self-esteem. Enhancing bust size may also help women fill out clothing better so they have more choices with swimwear and wardrobe options.

Get a Natural-Looking Breast Augmentation

Dr. Pedersen’s patients may have different ideas about what the “perfect breasts” look like in terms of size and shape. However, one thing nearly all patients share in common is that they want the result to look completely natural. Some breast implants just look fake, and that is not the aesthetic most patients desire.

At Plastic Surgeons of Akron breast augmentation is tailored for the most natural-looking result, with Dr. Pedersen choosing implants proportionate to the patient’s frame and chest wall width. An appropriately sized implant looks great on the body without appearing too large or small. Rather, it is just the right fit. It perfectly complements a woman’s silhouette, balancing her figure, and boosting her body confidence.

Woman in a dress

Get Help Choosing The Right Implant Size For Your Body

Breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Pedersen will help you select the correct implant size that fits your preferences for Breast Augmentation, keeping anatomical measurements and proportions in mind. At the consultation, he takes care to listen respectfully to each woman’s wishes before suggesting the implant that she will be most happy with. Together, you and Dr. Pedersen will go over the different breast implant styles.

At their consultation for Breast Augmentation Akron patients can personally view and handle sample implants, enabling a well-informed and personalized decision for their procedure. Many women have a basic idea of the bra cup size they would like to have. Choosing the breast implant size can be tricky because breast implant volume is measured in cc’s — not cup sizes. It is in your best interest to see an experienced breast implant surgeon for assistance choosing the size that will meet your expectations.

Bra cup sizes vary between brands. A C-cup bra from Victoria’s Secret may be different from a C cup bra from Maidenform, for example. For breast augmentation, CC’s provide an accurate and reliable unit of measure that is standardized across the industry, which is essential for achieving desired augmentation results.

Additionally, patients starting out with a smaller cup size that want to increase their bust size to a D cup through breast augmentation will need a different number of ccs than a woman with slightly bigger breasts. Therefore, the end result will vary on different women even if the same number of CC’s are selected. A physical examination and breast measurements allow your surgeon to guide you toward the implant size that will make you happiest.

What Is The Best Type Of Breast Implant For Me?

We offer Natrelle and Mentor breast implants to enhance both the size and shape of your breasts. These are among the best breast implants on the market today.

Natrelle implants are made by Allergan, one of the most trusted names in cosmetic implants. Natrelle comes in many shapes, sizes, and textures. One of those is an anatomic implant, also colloquially known as a teardrop implant or “gummy bear implant”. This a silicone-gel filled implant that beautifully mimics the shape of a natural breast. That means the shape is tapered at the top and becomes more curvaceous and full at the bottom — just like real breasts.

In addition to Natrelle teardrop implants, Natrelle round implants are also available. This is the tried and true implant shape that many women have chosen for decades. We offer both so you can have the shape and style that suits your body best.

Mentor implants provide a soft and natural feel that is similar to natural breast tissue. These modern breast implants have a 95% patient satisfaction rating on RealSelf. Both Natrelle and Mentor are FDA approved for breast augmentation, breast reconstruction surgery, and breast revision surgery.

Breast Augmetnation Akron

Hidden Breast Implants Scars Create A Natural-looking Result

All plastic surgery leaves scars. The surgery is done with an incision made under each breast at the crease, and the implants are inserted in the proper position, either above or below the chest muscle. Most patients find that the incisions heal to a fine line that blends into the surrounding skin.

An experienced Akron breast implant surgeon like Dr. Pedersen ensures breast implant scars are well hidden to minimize the appearance of scarring. He will also provide aftercare instructions to speed scar healing after breast augmentation surgery. A scar that is barely visible is an important factor for an attractive surgical result.

Learn How Breast Augmentation Can Improve Your Breasts Starting Now

To learn more about breast augmentation Cleveland and Akron patients can contact our office at 330-379-1204 to schedule a personalized consultation. Dr. Pedersen looks forward to discussing your options and helping you achieve your desired results.

We are committed to answering all of your questions and providing the care you deserve.

Akron Breast Augmentation

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

As the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the world, the results, and benefits of breast augmentation surgery often speak for themselves. Women everywhere find themselves feeling more confident, sexier, more feminine, and have a more flattering or symmetrical figure thanks to a breast implant procedure.

The trick to achieving excellent results is finding the right surgeon who is skilled and experienced with many different breast surgery techniques. At our practice serving areas like Akron and Cleveland breast augmentation is performed by experienced surgeons, providing patients with benefits such as:

  • Fuller breasts
  • A natural-looking shape and size
  • Correcting any asymmetry or distortions
  • Enhance cleavage
  • Better fitting clothes
  • More youthful-looking breasts
  • Restored or enhanced volume

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation in Akron

We are committed to providing you the best breast augmentation Akron to offer, so call our office today to schedule a consultation at
330-443-0232. Dr. Pedersen looks forward to meeting you and discussing your options for breast augmentation with a personalized consultation.

Breast Augmentation FAQ

Who is a Good Candidate for Breast Implants?

Breast implants can be desirable for many women of varying ages. For younger women, the goal is usually to enhance the breasts to achieve a bigger bust size and shape. It often doesn’t have to do with age or issues of sagging. Many women in their 20s and early 30s are seeking to enhance naturally small breasts or increase the size they already have. Women in the later stages of their lives, such as the 30s and 40s are often seeking to restore the perkiness of their youth and reduce any trauma caused by breastfeeding, hormonal changes, gravity, wrinkling, and more. These women may benefit from implants combined with a lift. Other candidates include women who have naturally pendulous breasts or struggle with asymmetry, where one breast is larger than the other. Regardless of your aesthetic goals, eligible patients must be in good general health, be at least six months post-birth, and have a thorough understanding and realistic expectations of the results. If you are looking for a more comprehensive enhancement, complete with body contouring procedures such as liposuction or a BBL, you can consider combining your treatments or opting for a mommy makeover.

Will Breast Implants Impair my Ability to Breastfeed?

Contrary to popular belief, many women with implants can comfortably breastfeed with no troubles. While there is a risk that breast surgery procedures such as implants, lift, and reduction can impair your ability to breastfeed, this can often be avoided with careful technique and an experienced plastic surgeon. It is often recommended that women wait until they have gone through childbirth for the last time before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure, but this is not always the optimal option for everyone. If you are seeking a breast implant procedure and wish to breastfeed sometime in the future, be sure to discuss this with your surgeon so they can plan accordingly and find the best course of action to achieve the desired results.

Are Breast Implants Permanent?

Plastic surgery procedures generally offer long-term or permanent results that don’t require regular maintenance outside of lifestyle habits and personal choices with each patient. Unlike other non-surgical procedures, breast enhancements offer patients the ability to have fuller, larger, or more voluminous breasts for many, many years to come. That being said, breast implants are not intended to be permanent and will likely need to be removed or exchanged within five to ten years after your first surgery. Some women find that their implants last for decades without needing to be exchanged, but this can generally increase your risk for rupture or scar tissue. In many cases, patients find that down the line they wish to change their implant size, shape, or type, especially if they want to switch from saline to silicone (or vice versa). Talking to your surgeon can help you understand how this works and what can be expected years down the line.

What are the Risks Associated with Breast Implants?

Breast augmentation surgery is a major surgery that should be considered in great detail before patients commit to it. A good surgeon will help you understand all the risks and any issues you should keep an eye out for during the healing process. As with most cosmetic surgeries, breast implants come with risks, such as:

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Bleeding
  • Hematoma
  • Infection
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation
  • Visibly poor scarring
  • Capsular contracture (tight scar tissue that forms around the implant)
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Visible wrinkling beneath the skin
  • Fluid accumulation (seroma)
  • Wrinkling of the skin over the implant
  • Persistent discomfort or pain
  • Possibility of revision surgery

When Will I See Results with Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation surgery will require some time before patients can see the full results and enjoy their new appearance. Generally speaking, women can see a significant improvement in swelling after the first six to eight weeks. This is when the breasts start to “drop” and the final form will start to be visible. This also depends on the placement of your implants. Subpectoral implants can take up to three months for results to be visible. Even after this time, there will still be some swelling to consider. Overall, after six months patients will be able to comfortably show off their flattering new figure.

Receive a one on one consultation with one of our surgeons at our beautiful practice in Akron, OH